Knowledge Base and Customer Chat

As systems administrators, a great majority of our time is spent “Reading the Fine Manual” for the software we use in order to fix errors we run into. As a result, we find it very frustrating when projects don’t have adequate documentation, requiring us to spend hours googling for the answer.


Recently, we realized that we were limiting our customers in the sense the only documentation we had publicly available was on the InterWorx site. Most folks simply opened a support request by e-mailing or calling us, rather than looking for the answer online. Thus, we have launched , a knowledge base for customers to find answers to commonly asked questions. At the present time, there’s around 60 tutorials available on there, which we hope to extend based on customer questions.


We also realized customers enjoy communicating with other customers and staff in an informal setting. Thus, we decided to launch a Customer Chat community for customers to network with each other, in addition to providing a medium to get even the smallest questions answered. We hope that you will join us by visiting and use our new Sliqua Chat Client, which was developed in-house by Joe Cooter.